We are now in the middle of winter in most of the country. Of course if you are in an area where the temperatures are freezing, your roof is probably not leaking. But you probably know if it has been leaking in the past. Now is a good time to make plans to repair your roof or rv while most business are not busy. The economy seems to be picking up and most suppliers of roofing products are raising their prices. This usually happens around April. So you might want to measure your roof and determine which products you need and order them now. The only thing you need to note is that be sure the temperatures are above freezing for the shipping of these products to you. You can work with your supplier to determine if the conditions are right to ship to you. Be sure to store your adhesive in a place that it will not freeze untill you need it. Be sure to check with your supplier before you install, to make sure what temperatures the product will work in.